Guillermo del Toro Speaks About His PINOCCHIO Movie


If you're reading this site, chances are you're a fan of Guillermo del Toro, one of the geek-friendliest filmmakers working in Hollywood today. So you probably already know that del Toro is co-directing a stop-motion version of Pinocchio with Mark Gustafson, and that the project is set to be released in 3D.

The Hollywood Reporter was at the Cannes Film Festival when del Toro spoke about the film, saying he wants the 3D to "seemed [sic] like it bleeds out into the audience at the edges." He's targeting 2014 as a release date, citing the complicated and prolonged shooting process for stop-motion as reason for the delay.

But the most exciting news is actually not confirmed at all: del Toro spoke about cast members he'd like to secure for the film, but went to painstaking lengths to make sure everyone knows that no one has signed on yet. He says that Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, had approached him about wanting to be involved - a good choice for the voice of Pinocchio, eh? - and del Toro couldn't help but admit that he thought about Christopher Walken for the voice of the sly fox in the film. Walken's signature delivery almost makes him seem like a stop-motion animation in real life sometimes, so that would be inspired casting if it all comes together.

Are you interested in seeing what del Toro and Gustafson can do with a Pinocchio story for modern audiences?

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