NBC Developing Super Villain Series called HENCH

TV NBC by Joey Paur

NBC is once again teaming up with Friday Night Lights creator Peter Berg to develop a new high concept super villain drama called Hench

The series is being written by Alexandra Cunningham and is based on the comic book series by Adam Beechen and Manny Bello. The story focuses on a regular guy who gets odd jobs temping for super villains so that he can support his family.

I've never read the comic, but it actually sounds like a fun concept. I can easily see that being a solid series. I imagine the villains in the series will be invented for the series, but it would be awesome to see some well-known villains make an appearance. 

Do you think this will make for a good TV series? 

Here's the description of the comic:

The fine line between hero and villain is just another of longtime super-villain henchman Mike Fulton's many scars. Now, faced with a terrible choice that could mean life and death for heroes, villains, his family, and himself, Mike ponders just how his normal life went so crazy.

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