Warner Bros. Wants Ben Affleck to Direct JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie

As you know, Warner Bros. has been trying to figure out how exactly they want to tackle a Justice League movie, and they are looking to Ben Affleck to bring a vision of this comic book series to life on the big screen! According to a report, the studio sent the actor/director a copy of Will Beall's (Gagster Squad) Justice League script to see if he would be interested in directing it. 

There's no confirmation on if he'll do it yet or not, or if they will be using any of their standalone superhero projects as a way to develop a cinematic Universe like Marvel has. The report does make a point to say that the movie version of the team would include Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and The Flash.

Affleck seems to like to star in the films he directs, such as The Town and Argo. So there's a pretty high chance that if he takes on the project he might end up taking on the part of one of the characters in the film. 

So far my favorite film from Affeck is Gone Baby Gone. I think he's a solid director, and I actually would like to see him take on the challenge of developing this project. I think he would do a great job with the material.

Depending on how fast the studio moves forward on the production, Justice League could hit theaters as soon as 2015. If Affleck does take on the project and decides to play one of the superheroes, who do you think it should be? Would you like to see him direct this movie?

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