Joseph Gordon-Levitt Talks SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR
Joseph Gordon-Levitt recently finished shooting his part in Robert Rodriquez and Frank Miller's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. He plays a smooth talking gambler named Jonny, a new character created for a segment called "The Long Bad Night," and in a recent interview with Comingsoon he talks about the film saying,
It's interesting. They wanted to have a movie where fans of the books would still be able to look forward to something new and unexpected, so they added a story. I remember being really intrigued by that and I was really looking forward to, ‘Oh that will be so interesting to have the actual comics to refer to as an actor' but no I didn't.
I had a ball doing that, I loved doing that. I mean, Robert Rodriguez is a guy whose movies I've liked for a long time and he has creativity pouring out of him.
The site also says that even though Jonny's a new character and story, he is "firmly within the world of Sin City where other characters are likely to show up." Levitt said,
I saw Bruce and Mickey (Rourke) and I have a scene together, and Jessica (Alba). I was so stoked.
The character is one of the core characters in the overlapping story lines that also involves Rosario Dawson, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, and Jamie King who are reprising their roles from the first film. Then there's Josh Brolin, Jamie Chung, and Dennis Haysbert.
The plot for Sin City 2 comes from the stories A Dame To Kill For, Just Another Saturday Night, and a new one Frank Miller wrote called The Long, Bad Night, which apparently centers on Alba's character Nancy Callahan who will be the connection between the two films.
The movie is set to be released on October 4th, 2013.