JURASSIC PARK Brachiosaurus SFX Animatronic Puppet Rehearsal
Steven Spielberg's 1993 Jurassic Park was an incredible feat for its day. The mix of CGI and practical special effects they created for the film was flawless! We don't see many practical effects done like this these days because CGI has advanced so much and become so much cheaper. Here's another great behind the scenes video for the movie from Stan Winston School featuring an animatronic puppet rehearsal for the Brachiosaurus.
Testing the JURASSIC PARK full-size Brachiosaurus puppet at Stan Winston Studio. Key Stan Winston Studio Brachiosaur artist Andy Schoneberg narrates this behind-the-scenes peek at the rehearsal process for Jurassic Park's gentle giant, the Brachiosaurus.
It was the largest puppet we built that had absolutely no hydraulics in it. So it was weighty and a big challenge to get to move.
Jurassic Park is set to be re-released in IMAX 3D next month, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it! Check out the video!