STAR WARS Fan Film with Lens Flares
The team behind the Nightwing fan film Batman: Nightwing are back with a Star Wars short that they shot called Star Wars with Lens Flares. We've seen a lot of Star Wars lens flare videos since it was announced that J.J. Abrams would be directing Star Wars, but I seriously don't think he's going to use them in the film, that's a Star Trek staple, and I'm sure he'll come up with a new look and feel for Star Wars.
The film was directed by Danny Shepherd, and here's what he had to say about it...
A short action scene centering around the force abilities of a Sith vs. a Jedi, But of course, what's a Star Wars fight without some good old fashioned lightsabers actiony goodness!
We are huge Star Wars fans and knew we had to make a video once we found out JJ Abrams would be directing Episode VII. So we shot a brief yet crazy, "force" heavy lightsaber fight! Hope you guys like it!
Check it out, and let us know what you think of it!