Very Cool Animated Short Film - PAPER WAR

Here's an incredibly entertaining animated short called Paper War. It centers on two animated cartoon characters that get in a fight over a girl. I love the concept of the short, and the way it's executed. The film is action-packed, and animated well. I have no doubt that you'll enjoy this one, it's really freakin' cool.

Paper Diaosi* living in a white paper world always has nothing to do. One day, he sees an amazing beauty living on the opposite side of his building. When he is about to propose, the second Paper Diaosi shows up, it makes him furious. In order to get the beauty’s love, the two Paper Diaosi begin to fight each other. Time pasts every second. The beauty starts to lose patient. Who will win her love?

*Diaosi in Chinese means someone who is young, poor, miserable but never loses hopes for a better live.

The short was directed by Zhe Zhang. Check it out and let us know if you like it or not!

Paper War from GKCFF on Vimeo.


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