Peter Jackson's STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII Easter Egg — GeekTyrant

Peter Jackson's STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII Easter Egg

Unless you were paying really freakin' close attention to that preview for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, you probably missed the Star Wars: Episode VIII Easter Egg that Jackson threw in there! At the 4:51 mark, Jackson went to grab some concept art and in the process briefly showed what seems to be the cover of a script or treatment for Star Wars: Episode VIII.

This could just be a perfectly timed April Fools' joke from Jackson, at the same time, you never know! I could easily see Jackson taking on a star Wars movie somewhere down the road. If it's going to be Episode VIII... awesome! 

To watch the video again click here. It's right there, this isn't a photoshop job. Thanks to the eagle eyes of  for pointing this out to us!

So what do you think? Did Jackson take the opportunity to mess around with the fans, or do you think there's actually something to this? Do you think he could be involved with Star Wars: Episode VIII?

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