FOX Developing CG Animated CHARLIE BROWN Movie
Fan Portrait by Tim O'Brien
It was revealed at CinemaCon recently that FOX and Blue Sky Studios are developing a 3D animated feature film adaptation of Charlie Brown. There they showed a trailer for the film to theater owners and journalists who were in attendance.
According to AICN the CG footage showed a sun rising over a round surface that is made to look like a planet, but it actually turns out to be Charlie Brown's head.
I love Charlie Brown, but I honestly don't think FOX or Blue Sky have the talent to make the film as heartfelt and soulful as it needs to be. I'm not at all excited that they are the ones developing the film, and I honestly think they are going to end up destroying it, and making a crap film.
The Ice Age films are ok, but there's no way they can pull off the greatness that is Charlie Brown. Hopefully it doesn't end up being as bad as The Smurfs. I'll be very surprised if it turns out being a decent movie.