New STAR WARS Animated Series Teased in Dave Filoni's Sketch Art?

Star Wars: The Clone Wars supervising director Dave Filoni has already confirmed that he would be a part of the new Star Wars animated series that Disney and Lucasfilm will be developing. We've heard rumors and speculation on what the new series will be about, but there are no confirmed details yet. Filoni recently posted the Star Wars sketch above on his Facebook page with a note that says,

It’s hard to believe that I have worked at Lucasfilm almost eight years, and this is the first time I have ever gotten to draw a TIE fighter.

Many fans are speculating that this is our first look at what the new design will be like. I take his statement above as he is drawing the TIE Fighter in an official capacity for Lucasfilm, as part of his actual job. If this is true, then TIE Fighters exist in the new animated series, which means it takes place after Episode III. I personally think that the new series will take place after Episode VI, and bridge the gap between the original trilogy and the upcoming new movies that are in development.

Do you think the sketch is part of the new series, or do you think Filoni is just messing around doing some sketches? 

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