Asa Butterfield Assures Fans About Pivotal Scenes in ENDER'S GAME
Asa Butterfield recently did an AMA on Reddit, and while he couldn't talk too much about the film, he answered some important questions I know I had about the upcoming film Ender's Game. Fans of the series I'm sure are curious about the tone of the film as well as how the studio is going to tackle the whole "Stilson & Bonzo" incidents, and in my opinion one of the most important points in terms of Ender's development in the story. While not exactly candid about the scenes, Butterfield did offer some reassurance to fans.

It's kind of a cop out answer, but it is worth noting that the character Stilson is indeed cast for the film when he could have just as easily been written out having been introduced so early in the novel. Like author Orson Scott Card said awhile back in his letter to us, Butterfield once again warned us not to expect a 100% direct adaptation of the book for the film.

So I know the books been out for about 20+ years, but at the risk of spoilers I don't want to come out and say it. Do you think the Stilson and Bonzo incidents will be presented as in the book? Part of me really wants to believe it will happen, but the skeptic just screams Hollywood will shaft us.