PACIFIC RIM Writer Travis Beacham Shares Details on Movie & Graphic Novel
Last week, I had the chance to do a phone interview with Pacific Rim's writer Travis Beacham. He's really sharp, and I can see why Legendary Pictures and Warner Brothers had such confidence in his original story. Before the movie comes out, they are releasing Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero, a 112 page graphic novel that is a prologue/prequel like story, which Beacham also wrote.
Unfortunately, due to a technical snafu I was not able to record and transcribe the call. I did take notes, so instead of trying to recreate the conversation I'm just giving you the facts.
- A story bible was created which covers the history and future of the world; includes lots of designs and characters details that are only hinted at in the movie and graphic novel.
- The movie takes place 10 years after the graphic novel.
- Guillermo Del Toro came up with the idea of making the Kaiju silicone based lifeforms, to make them more opaquely alien and an extra challenge for earth scientists to study.
- Alex Ross did the cover art for Tales From Year Zero.
- The graphic novel covers many characters with a broader story. The movie by comparison is more streamlined and cinematic.
- Travis' favorite Jaeger is the Gypsy Danger, which was the first completed design. He likes how it is instantly recognizable, even in silhouette.
- Tales From Year Zero is the first graphic novel he's written. Even though transitioning to the format was hard, he would love to do another.
- Travis' favorite Kaiju is one we will not see until the last part of the movie, which has yet to be seen in any trailers or tv spots.
- He wanted to use the term Mechs until coming across Jaeger which is german for tank or hunter.
- You see Jaeger academy in the graphic novel.
- Kaiju was always the term used for the monsters and never changed during development.
- Travis laughed when I asked hoy he felt about people comparing it to the Power Rangers.
- The Kaiju in the graphic novel are unused designs from the movie.
You can pick up the graphic novel Pacific Rim: Tales From Year June 18th. Pacific Rim assaults theaters July 12th.