TRON: LEGACY Inspired Cycling Skinsuit
One of the things I liked most about Tron: Legacy was the designs they came up with, specifically the costume designs. Those things were pretty freakin' cool. You can now kind of have one of your own! This cycling skin suit is designed to “make you look fast, even if you’re standing still.”
I enjoy mountain biking, but I don't where any kind of skintight cycling suit to do it. I've never come across any I'd want to wear, but I would totally wear this!
You'll look awesome in this detailed, sharp design, and feel the same with our quality cut and materials. This skinsuit has hours and hours of design put into it. Whether you're out on a club ride, racing at your local crits, or doing a charity ride, this skinsuit will make you the talk of the ride.
The suit costs about $150 and you can purchase it over on Podium Cycling. Could you see yourself wearing one of these?