Jim Carrey as Carnage? — GeekTyrant

Jim Carrey as Carnage?

In a world full of instant tweets and Facebook uploads, it really is no surprise that there are countless rumors of celebrities being involved in huge Hollywood productions such as The Amazing Spider-Man 2. The latest rumor was spurred by a fan who was on set in March who tweeted a photo of Jim Carrey on location where they were filming scenes at The Ravencroft Institute (The fictional mental health facility which houses some of Spidey's deadliest foes,) as mentioned by the website Comic Book.

Now, here's where my geek-fandom comes into play, the reason I mention The Ravencroft Institute is because there is one main baddy who resides there, Cletus Kasady... Otherwise known by his Super Villain name, Carnage. For those of you who don't know, Carnage is a murdering, psychopathic symbiote who will stop at nothing to make Spider-Man's life a living hell, terrorizing the innocent and the helpless. Carnage is "The Joker" of the Marvel universe, just to put it in layman's terms. If the photo was taken while the film crew was shooting at the set of The Ravencroft Institute, does that mean that Carrey could be playing Cletus Kasady in The Amazing Spider-Man 2? We know that he can hold his own in a crazy role, so i think he could pull off Kasady quite nicely. My verdict? If Carrey IS playing Cletus Kasady in the movie to set up the villain Carnage for a sequel, I am 100% on board and looking forward to it, but please do remember this is all speculation and social media rumors, so don't believe anything unless some official statement is actually released. As always, we're here to bring you the breaking news of the geek world! Stay frosty everyone.

For podcast news, all things Comics, and relatively geek related things, follow me on twitter! @ThatBHoove  

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