New Disney Animated Film Called GIANTS
Disney is in the process of developing another CG animated adventure that has yet to be announced, called Giants. Thanks to Bleeding Cool, we have some details on the new film that all you Disney fans might be interested in hearing.
First of all, the film will be an adaptation of Jack in the Beanstalk, kind of likeTangled is to Rapunzel and Frozen is to The Snow Queen. The movie is being directed by Nathan Greno (Tangled), and as you might expect, it's going to be in the same style and tone as Tangled and Frozen.
The report goes on to talk about the film, and the similarities it has with Bryan Singer's Jack the Giant Slayer, but this sounds like it will be a much better adaptation of the story.
For one thing, they both have a hero called Jack, and Giants named for the Fee Fi Fo Fum rhymes. In this story, these names are abbreviations of Feebus, Fifen, Fogel and Fobert, a family of giants at the heart of the tale. There’s another brother too, Faustus, their leader. Like all good villains, he’s got a relatable point of view, he’s just not quite joining the dots correctly.
Also like Singer’s film, we see the introduction of a love interest from a class above Jack. In this case, Angelina isn’t royalty, but just from a merchant family, though her parents do see him as being “below” her.
They then go on to provide some Spoilerish story and character details about the film, saying,
The real money is manifest in Marco, born to nobility and the third corner of a love triangle with Jack and Angelina. He’s a good guy, though, and the only reason he and Jack can’t be fast friends from the off is that they’re both drawn to Angelina. And, yes, he’s called Marco because, like Polo, he wants to travel – and to open up trade routes.
The fourth human lead is Inma, a scrappy tomboy type – and something of a class warrior, I understand. She’s the one I’m rooting for in this story, the tireless fighter against injustice, taken less seriously because she happens to be a pre-teen girl. Of course, there is that story about David and Goliath…
But, okay, it’s not the humans that get the title billing here. It’s the giants. The Storm Giants. Huge, thunderous figures.
In this story, the Storm Giants have made a pact with the humans. If the humans work for them and give them a percentage of their harvest and livestock, they’ll return the favour by keeping danger and threats at bay. At first, it must have been appealing to have a Giant agree to fight your corner, but the people aren’t getting enough for themselves now. Faustus’ name is seeming to be a touch ironic.
And this is where we find ourselves at the beginning. As you might expect, there’s then a journey up to where the Giants live and some terrible conflict between the humans and the Storm Giants. There’s a lot of sneaking about and gruesome recipes and all that good stuff you’re used to from fairy tales about ogres and their ilk.
But what you may not expect is how Jack ends up befriending one of the Storm Giants – and this is what sews the beans, if you will, for the adventure, and the big changes it brings about.
Disney always seems to deliver great animated films, and Giants is one one of several unannounced projects that they are working on. I was never the biggest fan of the story of Jack in the Beanstalk, but it sounds like they will turn it into a fun adventure. Tangled was really good, and Frozen looks great, so hopefully they just continue to pump one great animated film out after another.