THOR: THE DARK WORLD - 13 Cool New Photos!
Thor: The Dark World looks like it's going to be an amazingly entertaining film, and its sure to offer fans some pretty shocking moments. I don't know if you've watched all of the trailers yet or not, but there is some pretty surprising stuff that is going to go down in this movie. I'm excited to see how this story plays out, and where it leaves Thor in the end. It looks like this could be a dismal ending for Thor. Producer Craig Kyle talks about the film in an interview with Empire, explaining,
"Asgard at the beginning of the first film was at a time of peace. Now our guys have been fighting for over a year, constantly. It's a time of war.
When the Bifrost was broken at the end of the first film, Odin had to conjure a lot of dark energy and go through a lot of personal sacrifice to try and get his son back to Earth. And it was a one-shot deal. If Thor didn't succeed, without the Tesseract he couldn't have got back again. And in our film, finally the Bifrost has been rebuilt, but during that time, when the cops were largely cut off from the rest of the universe, you had miscreants that came in from outside the Nine Realms, pillaging and destroying and causing havoc. So that's what our guys have been doing now - trying to put all these fires out across the Nine Realms."
Here are 13 great new photos from the movie (thanks to Empire), which is set to hit theaters on November 8th!