Update on New MORTAL KOMBAT Movie

Movie Mortal Kombat by Joey Paur

Director Kevin Tancharoen is the guy who revived Mortal Kombat by turning it into the badass web-series, Mortal Kombat: Legacy. The second season of the series is set to premiere later this month, but Tancharoen has also been hard at work on developing a new feature length film. During an interview with Comingsoon, he was asked about the status of that film, and he offered an update on where the movie currently stands.

"We're still pushing through on that. The script is in a good place, we're just kind of figuring out the budget and locations and that whole process is where we're at."

Wen asked if his Legacy series would connect to the film he's working on, he said,

"I think everyone's intention is to start fresh because we want Legacy to live on its own possibly for multiple seasons, and when it comes to Mortal Kombat, it's been around for 20+ years. We're going to take the mythology and add another layer on it so it can live on for another 20 years, or more! I think this is a unique opportunity to set that ground work."

Sounds good to me! It never hurts to expand on a world that already exists. I've really enjoyed what Tancharoen has done with the franchise so far, and it will be great to see what he will do with a feature length film and a solid budget. 


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