3 New Photos from SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR
Three new photos have been released for Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. They feature Jessica Alba, Eva Green, and the guy in the bandages is Josh Brolin. Earlier this month the first trailer was released, and it looks like it's going to be a great flick, probably just an entertaining as the first one.
The movie combines two of Miller's classic stories with new tales "in which the town's most hard boiled citizens cross paths with some of its more repulsive inhabitants." The story follows Dwight as he is "hunted down by the only woman he ever loved, Ava Lord, and then watches his life go straight to hell. Chronologically, this story takes place prior to 'The Big Fat Kill' (featured in the film Frank Miller's Sin City) and explains how Dwight came to have a dramatically different face."
The movie hits theaters August 22nd, 2014.