35-Minute Supercut of Every Sylvester Stallone Kill on Film

How long does it take to watch a supercut of every single kill inflicted by Sylvester Stallone in his entire filmography? 35 freakin' minutes, which should give you an idea of just how many times this dude has ended someone's life on film. (Hint: it's a lot.) Yes, this supercut from Auralnauts cheats a little bit by including TV appearances, but Stallone is undoubtedly best known for his big screen exploits.

I certainly don't envy the task of trying to figure out an exact number of kills in the Rambo movies, but the supercut does a good job of slowing down occasionally and pointing out the specific people on screen that die by Stallone's hand (or bullets), as well as keeping a running tally in the bottom right corner of the screen for easy reference. I consider myself a Stallone fan, but the time it must have taken to compile this takes fandom to an entirely different level of devotion. Check it out below, and for something a bit lighter, watch this elaborate Rambo-themed surprise bachelor party video

Via: Sploid

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