Amazing AKIRA and SIMPSONS Animated Mashup Trailer - BARTKIRA

A few months ago we started posting art from a crowd-funded project called "Bartkira." It was inspired by artist Ryan Humphrey’s art that you can see here. We now have an animated trailer for "Bartkira," and it is freakin’ amazing! The fact that it combines these two awesome properties seriously makes it one of the greatest fan trailers ever! Watching it made me all kinds of happy.

Heres’ the description that came along with the video:

In the days of old, deep in the dredges of the "Do the Bartman" VHS, there was a trailer.
In partnership with Chicken Tonight, Butterfinger, and CC Lemon, the early 90s execs of Fox and Toho made an animated short. An attempt to appeal to American consumers without having to spend a lot of money. Until a changing of the guard decided the kids needed more Poochie and it was lost...until today.
Bartkira is an animated parody mash-up of The Simpsons and Akira. Based on an idea by Ryan Humphrey articulated through comics, the concept was expanded with the Bartkira project, a comic collaboration of Simpsons fans, curated by James Harvey. In association with the comic, Moon Animate Make-Up producer Kaitlin Sullivan pitched the idea of an animated trailer to match and with the work of over fifty artists, produced the Bartkira animated trailer.

Now, enjoy the awe, wonder and badassery of "Bartkira"! A big thanks to my friend Joe for bringing this to my attention!

In the days of old, deep in the dredges of the "Do the Bartman" VHS, there was a trailer. In partnership with Chicken Tonight, Butterfinger, and CC Lemon, the early 90s execs of Fox and Toho made an animated short. An attempt to appeal to American consumers without having to spend a lot of money.

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