Fantastic Usagi Yojimbo Short Film - "The Last Request"
You have got to watch this incredibly cool animated short film called "The Last Request," which centers around Usagi Yojimbo, who is part of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe. This is a proof of concept short that is still in the process of being developed. It comes from Lintika Films, which is currently developing a feature film that will be released on DVD. This short helped them procure the rights so that they could make the movie, which is 90% complete.
You know what I love about this, is the fact that it had nowhere near the budget of Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but this Usagi Yojimbo movie will most likely be way better in terms of story and script.
The DVD release will include behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, deleted scenes, and interesting details regarding the making of the feature. Enjoy the short!
Thanks to io9 for the heads up.