ARROW: 2 Posters, Brandon Routh Interview, and Season 2 Deleted Scenes
Arrow has two new posters, one that shows The Arrow walking dramatically alone, and another that has a team line-up that just looks photoshopped to ruin.
In a interview with The DJ Tanner Show, Brandon Routh talked about Ray Palmer, aka The Atom, costumes, production, and Superman Returns.
Routh on The Atom costume verse the Superman costume:
"It's a totally different suit and I haven't been in it yet, I've only seen drawings."
Routh on Arrow production and his character:
"They do a great job grounding the show. Having my character on there -- he has a lot of different elements. I get to come on there and [do some] comedy in a pretty dark world. My character, Ray Palmer, interacts with Felicity mostly in the episodes I've shot so far and it's just a lot of fun. I have a great time working with Emily. I think it's going to add it a whole new element to the show that I think fans will like, whether they dislike Ray getting into the middle of the Oliver/Felicity relationship or not."
On the effect negativity toward Superman Returns had on him:
"It doesn't weigh on me and never really did. I took the job knowing full well that was going to be something that was going to be part of my life probably forever. Thankfully, it's in a good way. I'm proud of the movie and a lot of people enjoyed it so that helps, I guess. And having it be such an inspirational, iconic role, that's a nice thing to carry with me and have it be part of who people see me as."
You can Listen to the full interview here. Transcribe experts via
We also have 6 deleted scenes from season 2 via CBM.
Arrow returns for season 3 October 8th on The CW.