Artist Paints Wall-Sized Office Mural Dedicated to CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR

This morning, UK artist Dave Paget sent me this photo and a time-lapse video of himself painting a large-scale mural in his home office based on concept art for Captain America: Civil War. It turned out really well and I think any geek would be happy to have this scene painted on his or her wall. Paget put the details of the project on his Facebook page, and I've pasted them below:

So, after approximately 160 hours of work, 78 cups of coffee, 29 cups of tea, two packets of biscuits and one packet of cookies, I finally finished my wall painting!
This was a personal project that I painted on my office wall at home – much to my girlfriends surprise when I first started. Between getting a lot of stuff done for work as well as working on freelance projects at the same time, it was refreshing to be a bit selfish and work on something just for myself.
Major credit needs to given to Ryan Meinerding who created the original piece of artwork for, ‘Captain America: Civil War’.

After approximately 160 hours of work, 78 cups of coffee, 29 cups of tea, two packets of biscuits and one packet of cookies, I finally finished my wall painting! This was a personal project that I painted on my office wall at home - much to my girlfriends surprise when I first started.

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