BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN Spoilerish Story Rumors Surface
Fan Art via: DarkKnightNews
Are any of you hungry for some possible spoiler-filled information for Zack Snyder's Batman Vs. Superman? If you are, today is your luck day. If not, then I suggest you don't read ahead because if any of these story points are true, they are big spoilers.
The following information comes from a message board for “a nexus of hardcore gamers, enthusiast press, and video game industry developers and publishers” called NeoGaf. The poster goes by the name James Woods, and you need to take this information with a grain of salt, because it could all be bullshit.
The guy who posted the following information says, “My source is someone from the art department that supposedly got shitcanned (apparently a bunch of them were fired). I confirm nothing. Just passing along what I heard. Take it with the proper amount of salt.”
Thanks to Latino-Review for the heads up on the following information. One last time: SPOILERS or Bullshit SPOILERS… you decide.
- The villians are Lex Luthor and Metallo
- Batman forms a UN type deal to stop Superman from destroying another city
- Aquaman is in it, but not called Aquaman. He’s there because the world engine in the ocean did something to the fish
- Wonder woman poses as a Wayne Enterprises investor to retrieve an item that belongs to her people.
- Lex Luthor is in the shadows a lot, a manipulator. Not much face time with Superman.
- Robin betrayed Batman at some point, leading to a falling out between them
- The Batcave was super cool looking, and the mobile looked similar to Burton’s
- Lois is investigating Lex.
- Metallo “kills” Clark
- The Daily Planet is bought by Lex Luthor for PR purposes
- At the end Superman is living in exile, and the Justice League is a government approved superhero team.
Whatever the movie ends up being, I'm still looking forward to it! This information might also come from an early draft of the script that has since been changed.
The movie comes out on May 16th, 2016. We've sure got a long way to go. Hopefully the wait is worth it.