Behold The Awesomeness of Secret Cinema's EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Screening Event

Secret Cinema seriously puts on the greatest movie screening events ever! We previously showed you what their Back to the Future event was like, and after that, we got word that they were organizing one for Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back in London.

These geek events are organized by a team of people who essentially recreate the movie for you to experience. It's a completely interactive experience. Viewers come dressed up as their favorite characters, and there's even role playing involved. 

The whole thing is a big secret and they tell people who want go to look for clues. For example, for this one, registrants were told to "look out for a secret code on forgotten buildings." The invite itself read:

Earth is the system. We are seeking rebels from around the world to join the Rebel Alliance and head to a Secret City where they will be taken on a journey through the world of Star Wars. 

Now thanks to Future Shorts, you can see how awesome the screening event for this classic film turned out. I would love to go to one of these one day! It looks like it would be an absolute blast! 

In Summer 2015, over 100,000 left Earth for a galaxy far far away. This is our mission report. Secret Cinema returns in February 2016 with the first Tell No One event since 2014.

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