BETHESDA E3 Event Impressions

Bethesda held its first ever E3 press conference here in LA on Sunday. I was in attendance and am here to give you the highlights on what transpired. So let’s get to it!

The first game they showed off was the new Doom. This has been one of my most anticipated titles since word of it spread following its behind-closed-doors demo at Quakecon. It looks absolutely beautiful. Red is the predominant color, which makes sense seeing that Mars, Hell, and blood are three things that help define Doom. Bethesda said it revolves around badass demons, big guns, and fast movement. This new iteration showed off a new execution mechanic. Imagine Gears of War, but up close and personal. Doom has always been gleefully brutal and with this next title they take that brutality to an absurd extreme that I loved. The Space Marine can rip off demons’ legs and then kick them in the face with their own leg! Necks can be snapped, chests can be punched through, explosives can be shoved down throats. These are only a few examples of the many dynamic executions we witnessed. All of the classic weapons return and the BFG was teased at the very end of the demo. Multiplayer is back with a heavy emphasis on arena-style deathmatch. I got a strong Halo and Quake 3 arena vibe from it. They also announced a forge-type multiplayer mechanic where players can create their own maps and game modes. The great thing about this new “snapmap” is that it looked incredibly easy to use, but at the same time, super in-depth. The game will be released on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC in spring 2016.

A brief gameplay trailer was shown for Battlecry. This game looks a bit like a third person team fortress with different classes and an emphasis on teamwork. The game looked a little wonky, though. The combat doesn’t seem to be too satisfying.

Dishonored 2 was officially announced after being “leaked” the other day. Dishonored 2’s setup is very much like the first with a city in peril due to multiple factors (sickness, tyranny etc), but this time the game gives you the option to play as Emily Kaldwin or Corvo. Each character will have their own unique powers which help expand the many options already at your disposal. Dishonored Definitive Edition was also announced. This will be coming to Xbox One and Playstation 4 and features the main game as well as all the add-on content and updated graphics.

Then Elder Scrolls Online was briefly shown. The trailer showed many new locations coming to the game over the coming year the most intriguing one being Orsimer, the realm of the orcs.  Bethesda went on to announce Elder Scrolls Legends, a strategy card game that was met with huge applause from the audience. The game will be on PC and mobile devices and will be free to play.

Fallout 4 was the last big thing to be shown off, as well as a new Fallout game for the iPhone called Fallout Shelter, which is available now! Fallout Shelter is a strategy sim game where you take on the role of an overseer of a vault. The game had a big XCOM vibe, and I’m excited to download it here very shortly. But Fallout 4 was the big one. My biggest gripe with Fallout 4 (aside from the fact that it isn’t titled F4llout) is that the game setting seems all too familiar when compared to Fallout 3. The game is set in the Boston area during and after (200 years to be precise) the time the bombs go off. You have the option to play as a female, which is a much-needed addition to many games. The one thing that really stood out to me was how vibrant the game was. Fallout 3, and even New Vegas, was very grey, green, and brown, but Fallout 4 looks to be quite colorful. The pip boy has its return and has the capability to play games. That’s in Fallout 4 — you can play a game within the game. Now, these games are nothing more than Fallout versions of beloved classics such as Donkey Kong and Missile Command, but it still looked like good fun. The Fallout 4 Collectors Edition will come with a life size replica of the pip boy that you can insert your phone into and use it as an actual pip boy thanks to an app Bethesda created. The game features a layered armor system as well as in depth modding for armor and weapons. Fallout 4 also gives you the ability to create settlements! These townships can either prosper or become a raider's dream. You can create defenses, shops, etc. There are a vast number of possibilities. Fallout 4 will be released on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC November 10, 2015.  

That was it from Bethesda. Stay tuned to GeekTyrant for all your E3 info! 

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