Boy Asks George Lucas to Change Jedi Marriage Law and Lucasfilm Responds

One of the things we learned from the Star Wars prequel movies, and some of the books in the expanded universe, is that Jedi Knights cannot be married. When a seven-year-old Jedi hopeful named Colin heard about this, he wrote George Lucas a letter asking him to change the law. Here is that letter:

I love that he's so up-forward and blunt about it. The kid just wants to be a good Jedi Knight, and to be happily married one day. It's also good to know that Colin is on a path that won't lead him to the dark side. Lucasfilm was kind enough to send Colin a reply, as well as some cool Star Wars swag! Here’s the official word from the Head of Jedi Affairs. I also included a video of Colin opening the letter from Lucasfilm.

“To be a Jedi is to truly know the value of friendship, of compassion, and of loyalty, and these are values important in a marriage.” It sounds like this Jedi has permission to get hitched when the day comes. How awesome is it that such a big organization like Lucasfilm responded so quickly and positively to this letter? Here's the video of Colin's awesome reaction when reading the letter.

My son wrote to LucasFilm about how he wanted to get married but still retain his Jedi status without becoming a Sith. He got a big surprise back and finally stopped talking about Jedi Marriage Equality.... for now.

Via: GeekDad

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