Bruce Campbell on How Ash Would Hilariously Win in Fights Against Geek Culture Heroes
Ash Williams is probably one of the most badass heroes in movies or on TV. He has proven time and time again that he is able to handle any challenge thrown at him, no matter how out of control that challenge may be.
In this world of people wanting to know who would win if heroes were to clash, Blastr asked Ash himself, Bruce Campbell, how Ash would fair against some of these power houses. His answers are exactly what you think they would be:
Ash vs. Superman:
"Ash has traveled in time before. He'd do that again to wipe out baby Superman when he was just a twinkle in daddy's eye."
Ash vs. Batman:
"Ash can kill from a distance. He's already killed many 'winged deadites.' Next!"
Ash vs. Aquaman:
"Ash has to be careful, or he'd die of boredom fighting A-Man. Ash will hold him above water until he 'drowns' on air."
Ash vs. Captain Kirk:
"I'm taller than Shatner. Game over."
Ash vs. Wonder Woman:
"She can 'defeat' Ash any day -- but the surrender is on his terms."
Ash vs. Captain America:
"Ash will distract him with an old-fashioned hot dog, then choke him while he's eating it. All-American death."
Ash vs. Spider-Man:
"He gets a pass. Why? Because I like the residuals!"
Ash vs. Han Solo:
"Han who?"
Ash vs. Daryl Dixon:
"Ash would defeat Daryl by throwing a bottle of shampoo at him. He'll be so amazed at something he's never seen before, he won't even know that Ash has cross-bowed him in the spleen."
Ash vs Bruce Campbell:
"Nobody defeats Bruce Campbell. Not even Ash."
I believe the man knows what he is talking about.
Ash vs. Evil Dead Season 2 is currently filming and will be released later this year.