CBS Believes New STAR TREK Series Will Help Net $400 Million in Streaming Revenue

CBS confidently told investors that, with the help of its new Star Trek series, they expect $400 million in revenue from their new streaming service. AP writes that the company also added they will be developing other new series for the service, but called Star Trek its "crown jewel" of the bunch. They also announced that they expect to have around 4 MILLION subscribers by the year 2020.

They must not read our comment section.

Look, I'm just telling it like it is, so to any legal team reading this: I'm not advocating or endorsing anything of any kind. Literally every time we write about this the top comment on our social media with at the least a dozen likes is someone saying they plan to pirate the series! People don't want to pay a fee for CBS! YOU'VE BEEN GIVING AWAY YOUR PRODUCT FOR FREE FOR THE PAST 60 YEARS! I don't think bringing back Patrick Stewart would convince people to watch at this point.

Seriously though, they are on crack if they think this idea is going to not only succeed, but flourish in the way they are planning. They have to be ignoring public opinion.

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