CGI Zombie Short Film - ISOLATED
In 2012, we wrote about an impressive animated CGI short film called The Chase from first-time filmmaker Tomas Vergara. Now the Chilean director is back with Isolated, a new short that's also 100% CGI - but this one takes place in a world full of zombies. He used motion-capture technology to get the performances he needed, and there's a tantalizing cliffhanger that left me hoping that we'll get to see more of what happens in this world in some form or another. Vergara apparently already has the full story worked out, because he told DailyDot that the next installment of the tale (in whatever form that will take) will have:
"More action, drama, scale, intensity and eye candy. If you liked this one, you're gonna die with the next. And we kind of leave aside the oversaturated zombie thing. What matters to us is that you root for this guy."
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what happens next, and I'm glad they've decided to use the zombie narrative as a springboard toward something else next time around. Let us know what you think below!