Charlie Hunnam Replaces Benedict Cumberbatch in LOST CITY OF Z

We've been talking about Lost City of Z for at least five years, with Brad Pitt once being lined up to star in the adaptation of David Grann's true story. Pitt eventually moved into a producer role on the film, and Benedict Cumberbatch was cast in the lead role of Percy Fawcett, who headed into the depths of the Amazon jungles in Brazil in 1925. Intending to map the jungle, he contracted malaria and discovered a mythical city he called The Lost City Of Z. His peers claimed that this ancient kingdom was a fraud, but Fawcett traveled back into the jungle with his son and another man in an effort to prove his discovery. None of them were ever seen again.

Now, Pacific Rim and Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam has been cast as Fawcett because Cumberbatch has other commitments on his plate (namely, Marvel's Doctor Strange). Hunnam has done some solid work (seek out Green Street Hooligans if you haven't seen it), but I think we can all agree that he's a bit of a downgrade from Cumberbatch. I'm glad he dodged the bullet of starring in Fifty Shades of Gray, but now it appears he'll have his own Mr. Gray to work for: writer/director James Gray (We Own The Night, The Immigrant). Sienna Miller and Robert Pattinson will co-star. No word yet on when filming begins, but I'd expect this one to be in theaters sometime in 2016.

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