Charming, Insane Trailer For a Film Called MONSTER HUNT

This is an awesome trailer for a Chinese film called Monster Hunt that you have to watch. It's a crazy-ass looking film that also includes some absolutely adorable monster elements. When you watch the trailer, you'll see exactly what I mean. 

This is a family-oriented 3D fantasy film, and it the story follows the young king of the monsters who tries to make peace between the world of humans and his world. It looks like it would be an incredibly fun movie to watch. 

Monster Hunt was directed by Raman Hui, who worked as an animator and director over at Dreamworks Animation. He worked on the Shrek franchise and also did some animation on the How To Train Your Dragon television spin-off series.

The movie has already been released in China, and apparently it's doing very well over there. There's no word on when or if it will be released in the U.S. 

Truy lùng quái yêu là một bộ phim hành động giả tưởng và vui nhộn về một thế giới khi người và yêu cùng tồn tại. Trong cuộc chiến khốc liệt giữa loài người và yêu quái, mối quan hệ của Thiên Âm và Tiểu Lam cũng dần dần có sự thay đổi.


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