Christopher Nolan’s Next Movie Set for Release in 2017

This is for all you hardcore Christopher Nolan fans who are wondering when his next film will be released. Warner Bros. has announced that his new untitled film project will be released in theaters in July 21st, 2017.

That's basically all the information that we know. There's not one itty bitty bit of information on what the movie is about. There's no title, no tease, no nothing, other than the release date. This is why this post is addressed to only the hardcore Nolan fans. 

The one thing we know about Nolan is that he makes freakin' awesome movies, so I expect nothing less. Whatever this movie is, it will be his first feature since Interstellar, which was fantastically mind-blowing. Hopefully, this new movie brings audiences another moviegoing experience that we'll never forget.

Source: Variety


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