Classic Disney Animal Characters Reimagined as Humans

A student artist named Alaina Bastian has created a series of illustrations that shows us what some classic Disney animated animal characters might look like if they were actually humans. Some of the characters represented here come from films such as The Lion King, The Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, The Jungle Book, Tarzan, Bolt, and Oliver and Company

She posted the art on Board Panda with the following note:

"These are my interpretations of some Disney animals if they were human. I’ve often wondered what these animals would look like if they were human and I have enjoyed others’ illustrations of this concept. But I noticed that most of these versions lacked character consistency thus making them not quite as believable and lovable.
"I decided to draw them in the styles of their movies, and keep consistent shape language and features to interpret the character in a more thorough and believable way. I’ve enjoyed drawing these beloved characters and hope you like them!"

I think these human interpretations of these characters are pretty fun. You can check them all out below, and click here to read her commentary on some of her character designs.

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