Cool ROGUE ONE Easter Eggs and Behind the Scenes Moments Revealed in Long Video

We all knew Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was awesome, so is it any surprise all the behind the scenes work and obscure Easter eggs are awesome as well? It's actually pretty incredible when you think about how much work went into this movie and the small details that we're just now learning about the film that make it so much better! For example, did you know that that if Leia had never been wrapped up in the Vader confrontation after the battle of Scariff she would've arrived on Tatooine to pick up Obi-Wan Kenobi? It makes you wonder if Luke would've ever gone with Kenobi had Leia never been captured!

I would like to think Ben would've sought Luke out anyway. There had to be a reason he was not far off besides protection. I guess the only real consequence of Leia being kidnapped is it took much longer for her to discover she has a long-lost sibling! 

Hear about that and other crazy obscure things you want to know about the film below. Big thanks to i09 for bringing this series to our attention as I had no idea it existed!

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