Cool WONDER WOMAN Fan-Made Concept Trailer

We've seen a few Wonder Woman fan-made concept shorts over the last few months. It seems like the fans are just itching for a movie. One day it's going to happen, we just don't know when yet. In the meantime, we can enjoy the films that the fans are creating. This latest one is a concept trailer that comes from director Sam Balcomb for Rainfall Films. It has a great visual look, and kind of reminds me of something Zack Snyder might do. The one thing that kind of bugged me about the short is that the whole thing is in slow motion. Other than that, the style, costumes, and effects were really cool. It's definitely worth your time to check out! Here's a note from the director,
Firstly, thanks for watching. Whether you like, or dislike, our live action interpretation of Diana of Themyscira, Wonder Woman, born of clay, I think (quite a few of) you will agree she is a character just as vital and crucial to our understanding of humanity as any other superhero... if not more so.
We spent the majority of 2013 working on this -- the look, the feel, the aspects we most wanted to portray. It's a scant two and half minutes, but in the end, it's one hundred and fifty seconds of pure fantasy, where I get to consider the two sides of my favorite warrior: a crusader in man's world, and a paragon of virtue told through Greek mythology.
It's a fun world to hang out in. I hope you enjoy it.
Enjoy the trailer!