Cthulhu-Inspired Monopoly and Yahtzee

Thanks to the fine folks at Entertainment Earth, there are Cthulhu-inspired Monopoly and Yahtzee games we can play with! I've gotta say, I never thought I'd see Monopoly or Yahtzee go the Cthulhu route. But here it is, and it's awesome!

Here are the details on Cthulhu Monopoly, which you can buy here:

Set foot for Miskatonic University, and battle it out with other Cthulhu occultists to find out who truly is the Great Old One among you. This Cthulhu Collector’s Edition Monopoly Game features fun Cthulhu and H.P. Lovecraftian style imagery, plus game tokens straight from the Cthulhu mythos! The winner of Cthulhu Monopoly shall be deemed most like the Great Old One and the most fit to inherit his mantle. Whether you win or not, you lose and become one of Cthulhu’s mindless zombies.

Of course, your board game collection wouldn't be complete without Cthulhu Yahtzee, which you can buy here.

As you might know, Yahtzee is a classic game of tossing dice to gain winning combinations, kind of like poker, but using dice instead of cards. Add Cthulhu to the game, however, and your very soul is at stake! That’s right, in Cthulhu’s world, the winner gets to keep the loser’s soul. Fun, huh? This Cthulhu Collector’s Edition Yahtzee Game boasts an intricately crafted dice cup featuring the Great Old One, as well as awesome Cthulhu-themed green-and-black dice. 

Cthulhu Monopoly will cost you $39.99, while Cthulhu Yahtzee will cost $29.99.

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