David Duchovny Hopes To Return As Denise Bryson In TWIN PEAKS

While we wait to see if Fox moves forward with their X-Files limited series, there’s another show that’s in development that I hope David Duchovny reprises his role in. David Lynch is bringing Twin Peaks back, and many members of the original cast are returning to jump back into this crazy world. Duchovny admits that he would also like to come back as DEA agent Denise Bryson.

In an interview with LA Times, he’s asked about about if it’s really true that X-Files and Twin Peaks were coming back, and this was his response:

"Seems like it. I would bet on it if I were you. I think Twin Peaks is happening for sure. I hope my character comes back, I think she does. And then X-Files — Fox made some kind of shadowy announcement last week. Certainly, something's happening. Something's brewing. It's like the Eagles' greatest hits tour … by me."

I loved both of these shows and the fact that they are coming back is pretty incredible. I never thought I’d see the day.

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