David Lynch Takes The Alphabet to An Insanely Nightmarish Level

In 1968, director David Lynch made a crazy-ass short film called The Alphabet, and he turns the ABCs into a terrifying nightmare that I wouldn’t want to mess with. Seriously, this shit is jacked-up! 

If you’re looking to get your kids to learn the alphabet, you can always show them this. It’s guaranteed to sear the alphabet into their memories for the rest of their lives. Sure, it might screw them up a little, but at least they’ll never forget the alphabet!

The short includes surreal animation with creepy visuals all set to a “catchy soundtrack” that features the sound of David Lynch’s daughter crying. According to NeatoRama, “The Alphabet is a visualization of a time when Lynch's wife's niece was having a bad dream one night and was saying the alphabet in her sleep in a tormented way.” Enjoy!

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