Dawn of the Planet of the Zombies and the Giant Killer Plants on Some Serious Acid - Trailer
This is the stunning trailer for a badass-looking fake film called Dawn of the Planet of the Zombies and the Giant Killer Plants on Some Serious Acid. The special effects you'll see in the trailer are the result of some incredibly impressive work. The trailer is full of awesome action and fun humor. It was created by a man by the name of Alf Lovvold, and as you'll see, he did a phenomenal job. I think this needs to be a feature length film! You're gonna love this.
Edit - Whoa, what a response! Thanks you guys so much - awesome! For making of stuff - https://vimeo.com/129344367 Hi all, here`s the final full length 3min fictive trailer! Its been a lot of work though Its also been an awesome learning experience and its also helped me come into contact with a lot of nice people. Also, releasing the project on my 32nd birtday was kind of a fun thing to do. Yey! Thanks again for all support - and for watching & sharing. I really appreciate it. - Alf For best quality - download the full 1440p Prores422HQ version! ( must be logged in ) Hires stills from various shots - more stuff at http://www.alflovvold.com/ http://i.imgur.com/z20DKV0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/alHlAKp.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6qlUMPa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lHY2CRK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yeyDdFB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4XyHrBE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2ajFi0u.jpg http://i.imgur.com/gYcS2QN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GwgqGWf.jpg A huge thanks to the guys at Stiller Studios in Sweden for shooting live action plates for the project! ( http://www.stillerstudios.com/ ) Major kudos to Ådne Lyngstad Nilsen for the custom soundscore ( http://www.dziumasoundtrack.com/ ) Thanks to FractureFX for providing me tools to shatter a bunch of stuff! ( http://www.fracture-fx.com/ ) Kudos to the guys at Redshift3D doing some awesome GPU based rendering tech. ( http://www.redshift3d.com/ ) More stuff at http://www.alflovvold.com