Dead Man Wears Green Lantern Costume at His Own Wake

This is one of the strangest comic-related stories I've read since I heard about that Marvel fan who cut off his nose to look like the Captain America villain Red Skull. According to the New York Daily News (via Screencrush), a Puerto Rican man named Renato Garcia was dressed in a Green Lantern costume and posed to make it appear that he was standing at his own wake. His sister was the one who dressed him in the costume, which he reportedly wore for weeks after finding it in a bag of donated clothes.

Wow. This is the kind of thing I'd expect to see on The Onion, not in a real news story. It's sort of crazy, but at the same time, I guess if wearing this costume made Mr. Garcia happy, then more power to him. This definitely takes comic book fanaticism to an entirely different level. If you're interested, there are more photos at NY Daily News.

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