Details on The Guavian Enforcer Characters From STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
Thanks to Force Friday and all of the Star Wars toys being unleashed, we have a new look at a group of characters that are being introduced to the Star Wars universe. They are called the Guavian Enforcers, and we actually got a glimpse of them in the behind-the-scenes sizzle reel that was released at Comic-Con this summer. That's a screenshot of them above.
Below you can find a couple of photos from Chris Cantada's Instagram page (via: /Film). They give us a more detailed look at what these characters look like, and they also offer us some additional information. The description on the product box reads as follows:
"The security soldiers of the Guavian Gang wear high impact armor that makes them stand out from other deadly criminals."
This is the second gang we know of in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The first gang we learned about was the Kanjiklub gang ,which included a character named Tasu Leech. I'm curious to find out how these gangs came about.
Below the Instagram embeds, you will find the Comic-Con sizzle reel, which is set to play at the part where you see the Guavian Enforcer gang in action.