Disney to Develop New INDIANA JONES Trilogy with Bradley Cooper?
Art by Mathew Reynolds
An interesting rumor surrounding Indiana Jones has hit, and it originates from our friends at Latino Review. They say that Disney and Lucasfilm are preparing to develop a new Indiana Jones trilogy if their sequel with Harrison Ford doesn't work out.
There is still a chance that Ford will make a fifth film, but according to the site, "the window of making that happen is getting smaller and smaller. There is a date and if Indiana Jones 5 is not moving forward by then, the studios are 100% prepared to recast a younger Dr. Jones and ready up a new trilogy."
The new films won't necessarily be a reboot of the franchise, they are looking at it as more of a James Bond type situation. This means they are just planning to recast the role and continue the adventures the same way that Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig, and others have done for Bond over the last 50 years. This was actually a part of the original idea that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg had for the character.
The inside source for the site told them that the studio is looking at several actors to replace Ford, but Bradley Cooper is at the top of their list to crack the whip. They also say that Shawshank Redemption writer and director Frank Darabont could work on developing a film for the franchise again. I would love to see Darabont work on an Indiana Jones film. He previously pitched an awesome idea that never happened, which you can read about here. There's no word on if this will be the one he would develop, but it would be pretty amazing.
It will be interesting to see what happens with all of this. Even if Ford does make another Indiana Jones film, chances are somewhere down the line they will follow through with the plan of recasting the character and develop a new trilogy.
If this all turns out to be true, I think it's fine because it's in line with the original idea that Lucas and Spielberg had. I also think Cooper would be a solid replacement for Ford. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.