DOCTOR WHO Animation Set to A-ha's "Take on Me"

This cool little piece of beautiful animation was created by Richard Swarbrick for Doctor Who's 50th anniversary special. It was then tweaked a little by YouTuber TheFlixx and very appropriately set to the classic 1985 song "Take on Me" by A-ha. The video turned out perfect. I also included the original video without the music for you to watch in case you missed it. 

Stunning original animation by Richard Swarbrick... although it does have a slight resemblence to a certain 80's A-Ha video. PLEASE NOTE... I did not create this animation, I merely added the music and made a few tweaks. Full credit goes to Richard Swarbrick for his beautiful animation. An animation by Richard Swarbrick @RikkiLeaks Additional animation by Eva Wagner @ScribbleUrges I've made some stills from my Doctor Who animation availible to download from my website: I'll be adding more in the days and weeks to come as well as posting them on twitter:

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