A couple days ago a rumor hit the internet that Disney and Lucasfilm were working on releasing the original, unaltered Star Wars trilogy on Blu-ray. Who knows if that's really happening or not, but there's a huge Star Wars fan out there who isn't waiting around to see if it happens.

The fan goes by the name of Harmy, and he's currently in the process of developing his own version of the original trilogy. It's called Star Wars: Despecialized Edition, and he's making an attempt to take the original release that doesn't have all the new edits and special effects of the "Special Editions," and clean up the footage to make it better suited to high-resolution displays. He's also upgrading the sound! This documentary shows the multiple sources that he's using to make the film, and it's really quite spectacular to see the upgrades that he's made. As you'll see the stuff he's doing is incredibly noticeable. 

One of the main things I love about this is how he points out the the “best possible” releases of the film that are available right now on Complete Saga Blu-ray are still ridiculously flawed. Watch the short doc and see for yourself! Thanks to Geeks Are Sexy for the tip!

CLICK "SHOW MORE" TO READ THIS DESCRIPTION FOR RELEVANT LINKS AND IMPORTANT NOTICES! How to download: This video and the "Despecialized Edition" fan edits of the Star Wars original trilogy were made by the user known as "Harmy" on the forums. You may download this video featurette in its highest quality at the following link:

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