Elizabeth Olsen Talks about Working on GODZILLA

 In a recent interview with Total FilmElizabeth Olsen talked about what it was like playing her character in Godzilla and working with the film's director Gareth Edwards

“I approached Godzilla like I’d approach anything. It’s just a little bit more imagination, I don’t understand what looking at a big monster is, but I’d think, It’s a sniper, shooting at me from a high building.’ I understand what that is. I’m a nurse and I have a child with Aaron. I’m trying to do my job as a nurse but also to take care of my child. I’ve never been interested in being someone who points at things and runs and screams." 

She went on to talk about her first meeting with Edwards, saying, 

“He said, ‘I’ve been doing this so much that I might miss things or repeat myself,’ and I was like ‘Whatever, Godzilla.’ Then he started showing the previsualisations and he explained to me what my role would be. He said, “I don’t like the way it is in the script right now. I’d like to continue to develop it.’ It was kid of cool to hear ‘we want your part to have more substance than what it does now, which is just a holding place.’ Automatically he opened himself up to being a collaborator.” 

Olsen is a great actress who is going to be great in this movie. I love what I've seen from the movie so far, and I hope we'll get another trailer for it soon. 

The film will be released on May 16th, 2014, and it also stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe, Juliette Binoche, David Strathairn, and Bryan Cranston

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