Fantastic Full Trailer for Danny Boyle's T2: TRAINSPOTTING!

“Choose life, choose Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and hope that someone, somewhere cares.”

The first full trailer has been released for Danny Boyle's T2: Trainspotting, and it looks like the great sequel that fans were hoping for. I loved the 1996 film Trainspotting, and the trailer for this sequel has a very familiar vibe that takes us right back into the wild and crazy world of these fascinating characters, only it's 20 years later.

Ewan McGregor returns to the role of Renton as he embarks on another drug-fueled adventure, and he is joined by Ewen Bremner as Spud, Jonny Lee Miller as Sick Boy, and Robert Carlyle as Begbie. The rest of the cast features many other familiar faces such is Kelly Macdonald, author Irvine WelshSimon Weir, and Karl Argue. This is the synopsis that was released:

First there was an opportunity......then there was a betrayal.

Twenty years have gone by.
Much has changed but just as much remains the same.
Mark Renton (McGregor) returns to the only place he can ever call home.

They are waiting for him: Spud (Bremner), Sick Boy (Miller), and Begbie (Carlyle).

Other old friends are waiting too: sorrow, loss, joy, vengeance, hatred, friendship, love, longing, fear, regret, diamorphine, self-destruction and mortal danger, they are all lined up to welcome him, ready to join the dance.

T2: Trainspotting is set to be released on February 3, 2017. 

Director Danny Boyle, reunites the original cast: Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller and Robert Carlyle. T2 is at Cinemas 27 January 2017.

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