Film Isn't Dead Yet - Kodak Reaches Deal With Hollywood Studios

Movie Film by Ben Pearson

Here's an interesting piece of news for those of you who have been keeping track of the ongoing battle between celluloid and digital filmmaking. After announcing that they'd have to shut down operations of the only remaining lab in Hollywood, THR reports that Kodak has now come to an agreement with the studios that will allow the company to continue to manufacture film - at least for the time being.

Disney, Fox, Paramount, Sony, NBC Universal, and Warner Bros. will all buy undisclosed amounts of film from Kodak for a certain number of years to keep the option alive for some of the studios' most prominent filmmakers to be able to actually shoot on film. Outspoken advocates of this method include Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, and more. It remains to be seen how the studios will put this into practice - will only their most high-profile directors have the chance to shoot on film, or will they be a little looser with it, allowing up-and-coming filmmakers the option as well? - but this is definitely good news for people who are die-hard film fanatics who love the look of celluloid and prefer it over the digital look.

Though film is unquestionably in decline, it's not dead yet - and hopefully studios will be able to set aside enough money annually to keep this deal going indefinitely.

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