Floating IRON MAN - Mark II is Impractically Rad
Sure, you might have the coolest Hot Toys/Sideshow Collectibles movie replica of Iron Man, but can he float and shoot light out of his eyes, hands, and feet? If not, we might have your next desk toy.
There are two editions of the Egg Attack - Iron Man 3: Mark II Magnetic Floating Figure. The "Special Edition" has a light grey finish and is available for about $144 from Hobby Link Japan. There is also a "Limited Edition" with a dark shiny gun-metal finish that I have not been able to find - it's apparently been sold out since December of 2014 and started at about $200. Both editions feature LED lighting in Iron Man's hands, eyes, feet, and base. The base can be powered by eight AAA batteries or powered by a wall outlet.

Watching the videos below should give you some idea of what they look like. The first video is in Chinese so you will need to enable captions/subtitles to understand what's being said. The second video shows off the Limited Edition model, which I prefer.
Both of these are really cool and I would happily put one on my desk, but I might be better off using the money to buy a better desk.
H/T: Techna Bob