GAME OF THRONES Meets Taylor Swift in This Music Video Mashup

Are you a diehard Game of Thrones fan who can't help but tap your toe when Taylor Swift's Blank Space comes on the radio? Then the team at Nerdist has something for you.

They've just released a parody video called Blank Page, which puts a George R.R. Martin lookalike front and center as he sings about creating Daenerys Targaryen and the possibility that anyone can die at any time in his books. It has some awesome production value (where'd they find that castle?), but I must admit something: I stopped watching this about a minute in because I'm hyper-sensitive to spoilers. Some might say I'm too sensitive, and that's fine, but I'd much rather avoid the risk of anything being spoiled, especially since I'm actually taking the time to read all of the books (I just started the third one, A Storm of Swords). But the minute of this video that I did see was solid, so I'm sure all of you GOT fans out there will dig it. Let us know what you think below.

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